The power of hope & unity during COVID-19
July 15, 2020
At the end of 2019, when fireworks and music rang in the new year of 2020, no one had foreseen what the year was going to unveil. All those resolutions, plans and dreams were shattered as the year began and coronavirus became a pandemic. The beginning of the year kept us quite busy with Congenital Heart Defects Awareness Week being celebrated in February and the Kasauli Rhythm and Blues Festival (KRBF) 2020. (the fundraising festival was also postponed keeping social distancing safety measures in mind).
And then suddenly half the year passed in a blurry haze. As we are a child health care foundation providing financial aid to underprivileged children with Congenital Heart Defects (CHD) initially it became a nightmare. We were trying to ensure that every child with CHD associated with us could get the earliest possible medical care and intervention without the options of proper transport facilities. But slow and steady we managed to achieve a balance.
Our small and passionate team of seven ensured that there were no lapses in our cause. Between March and June, we successfully supported 201 children with CHD who needed financial assistance. We understand how hard these tiny little hearts are fighting and now in the added context of a global pandemic it has become an even greater struggle.
Doing what we do best, helping save little hearts.
Even our approach to the pandemic was driven by our honest zeal to help children with CHD. We had to scrap some plans like our ‘Screening Camps for CHD’ but we have never felt more motivated to work harder in helping children, families and medical professionals dealing with CHD. We supported some breakthrough surgeries like Pacemaker Implant on a 5 day-old premature baby during COVID-19 itself.
None of this would have been possible without the support that we received.
- Donors Support
Yes this is especially for you!
As our supporter, you ensured that we continued receiving all kinds of financial and emotional support. Whether it was a fundraising campaign by little champs like Krishna Goenka on Mother’s Day or the generous one-off donations we received. - Doctors Support
We had some new hospitals and doctors partnering with us along with the ones already associated with us. Doctors helped us in arranging transport facilities for the children during the lockdown. Moreover, for a lot of patients, they arranged stay and food also within the hospital on humanitarian grounds.
Community Support
In many parts of India, giving back to the community has always been emphasized by organizations like the Rotary or Lions Club. Collectively with their help, parents of children with CHD were provided with financial aid and the required contacts and connections to help with transport or any other needs, as we continued our work at the child health care foundation supporting them with their child’s CHD surgeries.
No one has ever become poor by giving.- Anne Frank
We, at Genesis Foundation feel taken care of – by all our supporters empowering us to get on with our work of helping the tiny but mighty league of little hearts. We are so grateful to each and everyone of you who have been a part of our journey in this difficult time, ensuring every child in need gets all the aid they deserve. It is in times like these, that we all unite to fight against a common enemy like COVID-19. If you wish to contribute to our cause, click here.