Celebrating Our Mission - Blog



Celebrating Our Mission

December 18, 2023 | Contributed by Preeti Kumar

As we come to the end of another calendar year, it is time to reflect and celebrate the core of the single thread that ties us all at the Foundation together –

Our mission to Save Little Hearts.

3 words – so poignantly put together to guide the work of a Foundation set up to support many children for whom a diagnosis and a child heart treatment for a congenital heart defect remains a luxury. A few decades ago our Founder Trustees Prema and Jyoti Sagar lost their second born son, Sameer,  to a congenital heart defect – a loss that gripped them and changed the very essence of their existence. Losing a child is the worst nightmare for any parent – the sense of loss and myriad emotions it throws open that run all over the place are difficult to capture in words. Prema and Jyoti went through a similar experience.

What set them apart, however, was their ability to rise above their personal trauma and hold the hands of other parents – so that no other parent would have to experience what they did. After having gone through a roller coaster of emotions, they started volunteering at the Missionaries of Charities to deal with their loss and grief.  That is when another harsh truth stood before them – that many children could not get treated only because they were born into families who did not have the resources to support treatment. These children had no access to financial help and any donation for children to help financially support the treatment.

That sense of inequality and injustice led Prema and Jyoti to set up Genessis Foundation – a Foundation dedicated to supporting underprivileged children born with a congenital heart defect.

That’s when Prema beautiful articulated the mission of the Foundation:

  • To Save Little Hearts
  • To keep very child’s heart beating
  • To give every child the right to medical care
  • To give every child the wings to fulfil their dreams.
  • To give every parent the right to save their child
  • To give life a chance

Regardless of the circumstances.

Their vision is an India where no child suffering from a congenital heart defect loses a life only because they could not access a child heart treatment due to a lack of awareness or funds.

Our Founder Trustee Prema Sagar with a child supported by the Foundation

Several years later as we have supported 4400+ little children, the mission of our Foundation can be heard in the silent whispers of a child’s heart beating, in the tears of a mother holding a child after a successful surgery, in the crackle of a child’s laughter who having been healed from his defect has been able to go and play with his friends, in the sparkle of a girl’s eye who having healed her heart is aiming to chase her dreams.

The heartbeat of the Foundation is the rhythmic pulse of little hearts healed, each echoing a story of hope, resilience and triumph against all odds. we have been able to do this due to the support and donation for children we have received from corporates, institutions and individuals.

Our mission extends far beyond urban landscapes and well-equipped hospitals. We recognise the urgency of reaching children in areas where access to pediatric cardiac care is a distant dream. Taking the next steps towards our mission we have been conducting screening camps in partnership with hospitals and Corporates in areas with no or limited access to specialised medical care. to screen children that could have a heart defect through outreach. Through this we can help children who would have either gone undiagnosed or would have got diagnosed too late.

We celebrate our mission through the humble thank you’s we receive when parents are given their child back with a new life line, where little children who have been treated come to us and tell us that they want to be doctors, nurses, work in NGOs to ensure that they can help others in similar circumstances. The strength of our mission runs through hospital wards, ICUs and humble homes – ensuring that at every step little lives have been given a chance to continue.

We celebrate our mission through the quite determination of our team working tirelessly to bridge the gaps for families for whom access to a lifesaving child heart treatment continues to remain a distant dream.

As we celebrate our mission, we cast our gaze towards the horizon of possibilities. The milestones achieved and the work that still needs to be done.

We envision an India where pediatrc cardiac care is not a privilege but a right, where every heartbeat tells a story of triumph over adversity. Our mission is an ongoing Journey of celebration, hope, resilience and the unwavering commitment to

Save Little Hearts


Disclaimer: The content shared on our website, such as texts, graphics, images, and other materials are for informational purposes only. Any of the content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the specific advice of your physician or a qualified health provider for any questions you might have regarding a medical condition. Genesis Foundation assumes no responsibility for any reliance you place on such materials on our website.