Reference: SAXENA, A. Congenital Heart Disease in India: A status report, Indian Pediatrics 2018, Volume 55, p.1075-1082p.1075-1082
• Difficulty in breathing • Difficulty in taking feed • Poor weight gain • Bluish discoloration of lips and nails • Repeated chest infections
The exact cause of this disease is still unknown. Some factors however can predispose a foetus to developing a congenital heart defect. These are:
• Genetics • Hereditary • Exposure to viruses such as Rubella during pregnancy • Certain medications taken during pregnancy • Smoking • Consumption of Alcohol • Pregnant lady having diabetes.
Open Heart Surgeries are generally required for moderate to severe congenital heart defects. For all children born with a congenital heart defect, it is important to maintain regular follow-ups with the pediatric cardiologist even after the child heart treatment. This ensures that the child is progressing well.
It depends on the type and seriousness of the defect. For complex defects a child will die, if untreated. For simple defects a child may not die if congenital heart defect treatment is not provided but can develop other complications. An untreated heart defect can have adverse consequences on the health and development of the child.
Congenital Heart Defects are of different types and vary in their degree of severity. Some heart defects are mild without significant symptoms and may not need any treatment. A critical heart defect will need to be treated immediately else the child will not be able to survive or will have long term complications. It is important to follow the advice of a pediatric cardiologist.
Congenital Heart Defects are of different types and the cost of the treatment varies based on the severity of the defect and the type of treatment. In India, on an average, the cost of treatment varies between Rs 1.5-3 lakhs. Financial support for interventions and free heart surgery for child in India is available for families that cannot afford the same.
Congenital Heart Defect treatment depends on the specific type of the heart defect and how severe it is. Some heart defects are very mild and may not require any treatment. For small holes, the hole in heart treatment may only require observation of the child and the hole may close on it’s own. Other types of defects may get treated with medication and non-surgical procedures while some may require a surgery.
Fetal Echocardiography is a test undertaken to look for a heart defect before a baby’s birth. The test is usually done when the mother is 14-18 weeks pregnant. The test is like an ultrasound and uses sound waves to understand the structure of the baby’s heart and whether it is working properly. Not all pregnant women need to go through a fetal echocardiography. It is only when the doctors spot a problem in the baby’s heart during the routine ultrasound that fetal echocardiography is recommended.
With improvements in medical technology, Congenital Heart Defects can be detected through multiple tests. Some of these are:
• Pulse Oximetry • Electrocardiogram (ECG) • Echocardiogram • Chest X ray • Cardiac Catherization
It is important for you to follow all the guidelines given by the pediatric cardiologist. If the child has been treated and the medical team treating the child has given the go ahead for your child to participate in all activities that his peers do, then it is perfectly fine. It is important however, to remain in touch with the child's cardiologist at all stages of growth as the situation can change from one stage to another.
As the exact cause of CHD is still not knows, there is little one can do to prevent it. However, if you are pregnant or know someone who is pregnant, then the following can reduce the risk:
1. Avoid drinking alcohol or taking medication during pregnancy 2. Ensure that the mother when pregnant is vaccinated against Rubella and Flu 3. If the mother has diabetes, make sure it is controlled 4. The mother should avoid exposure to harmful chemicals 5. The mother should check with your doctor before taking any medications 6. Ensure regular ante natal visits.
A leading heart care foundation in India we support lesser privileged children who need a medical intervention for a Congenital Heart Defect. The monthly income of families of these children is Rs. 20,000 or lesser. If you know of a child whom we can support, please write to us at [email protected]. Alternatively, you can speak to a representative of the Foundation, on +91 96506 03438
If you still have a question feel free to speak to our team on +91 96506 03438
You can also write to us on [email protected]