Genesis Foundation's Response during COVID-19 - Blog



Genesis Foundation’s Response during COVID-19

May 12, 2020 | Contributed by R.Srivatsan, Edited by Monisa N.

The rapid spread of COVID-19 has affected all sections of the society and all the countries around the world. India is also not immune from the same. The whole country has been in a state of lockdown since 25th March, 2020 and is still continuing with the same.

Our Response to COVID-19
We, at Genesis Foundation, have also been adversely impacted by this pandemic, but we are doing our best in these unprecedented times. With the country-wide lockdown still continuing, all of us are working remotely from the safety of our homes. We have taken support of virtual meetings, calls and messages to bridge the gap of communication.

However, even as we’re continuing work from our end, there has been a substantial decrease in the number of cases for support. With lack of transport options and livelihoods at risk in lockdown, fewer patients are being taken on by hospitals. As a policy, only critical emergency cases where the baby or child needs to be operated on within a few hours are being supported by the foundation at the moment.

Swab-testing in progress.
[By: Ajit Solanki, The Associated Press]

Partner-Hospitals Response to COVID-19
For all our partner hospitals, elective cases are not being admitted currently and have taken a backseat. Considering how risky it can be to perform open heart surgeries during these times, doctors are postponing surgery on non-critical cases. Before any surgery, doctors have to first test the children for COVID-19. Only if the results are negative, they proceed with the surgery. Post surgical care has become even more important during this pandemic because the children must not get any infection. This is vital because their immunity levels are low for a few days post-operation. Utmost care is required for these children as they are in an extremely fragile state.

It is equally important that the doctors, nursing staff and paramedics also stay healthy and do not fall prey to any infection during these times.

Doctors taking all possible precautions using PPE in India.

Keeping this in mind, extra precaution is being taken if the child and the family come from a designated Red Zone by the Indian government. They are kept in isolation for a few days in the hospital until it is confirmed that neither the child nor the family members are affected by COVID 19.

Screening Camps by Genesis Foundation
This has been a core focus of ours for nearly two years now, as it allows us to seek patients, and build awareness in remote parts of the country with help from our partner hospitals. But with the new norms of social distancing and restrictions imposed on gatherings in place, these camps have been postponed for the time being until movements resume to normal and maybe even longer to ensure safety for everyone. The current situation might be prevalent till the end of September. Perhaps in 2021, we’re hoping to help save little hearts in our full capacity with the help of screening camps.

Little Hearts Saved during the COVID-19 Lockdown
Even in the lockdown, Genesis Foundation helped bring a smile to babies and their parents by securing these children a healthy future through surgeries. And this would not have been possible without our donors and sponsors.

Sudarshan is a 5-year old boy who was operated for Tetralogy of Fallot defect.

Even amidst the blues of coronavirus, Sudarshan battled for a healthier future. He is now stable and has fully recovered and is really looking forward to the school session beginning once the lockdown lifts. Read more about the kids who underwent surgery during the lockdown here.

At this juncture, it is extremely difficult to predict how things might shape up post the lockdown. But hopeful as we are, we will bounce back much stronger, once the menace of COVID 19 dies down. Because when the intention is good, all the forces in nature join together to help the cause.

To end it in Abhijit Naskar’s words, “The holy trinity of tackling a crisis is unity, faith and sacrifice. We must stay united as humans above all else, we must have faith in ourselves and in each other and we must sacrifice our self-obsession.”

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