Bravehearts of the Foundation: Parvathi
May 8, 2020 | Contributed by R Srivatsan
Two months old Baby of Parvathi is the only child of Parvathi and S Siva who reside in Tiruvallur, Tamil Nadu. She had a birth weight of 2.9 kilograms. About 10 days after birth, the mother noticed that the baby was having breathing difficulty and had difficulty in taking feed. Worried, the parents took their baby to the district hospital where the doctor detected a murmur and suspected Congneital Heart Defect. They were referred to a government hospital in Chennai for further evaluaution. Due to the lockdown, no transport was available. The baby was shifted in an ambulance from Tiruvallur to Chennai. On arrival, the baby was immediately admitted and intubated. She was diagnosed to have pneumonia. She was started on medicines. On stabilization, the parents were referred to Miot Hospital for further evaluaution. Echo was done and she was found to have 2 holes in the heart. ASD (hole in between the upper chambers of the heart) and VSD (hole in between the lower chambers of the heart). She required an open-heart surgery. Her parents were counselled for the same. Siva is a fisherman and earns a humble income of Rs 4000 a month. Hospital reach out to us for support. With help from State Government Insurance Scheme and Genesis Foundation, the child was operated and discharged in a stable condition.