Bravehearts of the Foundation: Amrita, gets to blow out her first birthday candles - Blog



Bravehearts of the Foundation: Amrita, gets to blow out her first birthday candles

September 27, 2017 | Contributed by Simran Sagar

Little Amrita, is going to celebrate her first birthday in just a few months and aren’t we all delighted that she is now well enough to blow out those candles and truly celebrate the joy of living.

She was diagnosed with a life-threatening congenital heart disorder called Tetralogy of Fallot. She lives with her mother Anju Devi and father Chandrabhan Chauhan in a remote village in Uttar Pradesh. After she got diagnosed, her parents went to a couple government aided hospitals where either surgery was denied or the waiting list was too long. Naturally, both parents were impatient and anxious and wanted their little girl recovered sooner than later.

Before they knew it, they found themselves in an unreserved compartment of the train on a journey for 24 hours, with their distressed baby cradled in their arms – they were headed to Mumbai. A distant relative of Chandrabhan had recommended that the family come to Mumbai in search for answers. They went to a government aided hospital where a pediatrician referred them to a private hospital – Jupiter Hospital.

The case was brought to our light, as she needed an open-heart surgery for intra-cardiac repair and the family could not afford it. Chandrabhan is a landless farmer, who at best earns not more than Rs 2000-4000 per month. They are paying for rent of a room during their stay in Mumbai, and are borrowing money and using the small amount of savings they have to get by.

Amrita’s surgery took place with the aid we were able to provide through support from Mr. V Vaidyanathan. She has been discharged in a stable condition. The family will be residing in Mumbai, neither parents can work while they are there – awaiting the removal of Amrita’s stitches and her first follow-up visit post-surgery. After this, they will go back home and resume their normal life.

Their hearts are filled with relief as they gear up to truly rejoice the joys of living – their daughter has been given a chance to live. A healthy heart, a brand-new start. We at Genesis Foundation wish you a very Happy first Birthday Amrita!

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